Chiodini G. Istituto Nazionale, C. S., Avino R., Bagnato E., Capecchiacci F., Carandente A., Cardellini C., Minopoli C., Tamburello G., Tripaldi S., Aiuppa A. (2022). The Hydrothermal System of the Campi Flegrei Caldera, Italy. Active Volcanoes of the World, , 239–255.
Abstract: In this chapter, we review the state-of-the-art of the Campi Flegrei caldera (Naples) hydrothermal system, and its behaviour during the last decades. The Campi Flegrei caldera has been undergoing unrest since 1950, as evidenced by recurrent bradyseismic episodes accompanied by manifest changes in the degassing budget, degassing patterns and in the composition of the fumarolic fluids. In-depth analysis of geochemical and geophysical datasets acquired over decades has allowed identification of the mechanisms driving volcanic unrest at the Campi Flegrei caldera. We propose a conceptual model of the hydrothermal system feeding Solfatara fumaroles, where geochemical information is integrated with Audio Magneto Telluric measurements, which yields a realistic picture of the geometry of the system up to a depth of 2.5 km. The model identifies a ~2 km elongated vertical high resistivity structure in axis with the Solfatara fumaroles, which represents a relatively high permeability zone allowing hot fluid ascent from depth to the shallower portions of the hydrothermal system. Pulsed injections of hot magmatic fluids (CO2-rich and CH4-poor oxidised fluids) at the bottom of the hydrothermal system is thought to be one of the key processes that has controlled the evolution of the system during the last 40 years. The episodes of injection of magmatic fluids changed in frequency and intensity during time, ultimately causing an overall heating and pressurisation of the system since the early 2000s, as reflected by escalating degassing flux, increase in areal extension of the degassing areas, and in the composition of the fumaroles. In particular, the CO2/CH4 and He/CH4 ratios of fumarolic fluids exhibited recurrent peaks, marking the episodes of injection of magmatic fluids. Moreover, the quasi-monotonic increasing trend of the fumarolic CO2/H2O ratio, from 0.15 to 0.18 in 2000 to ~0.4 in 2018–2019, has been interpreted as due to the combined action of partial steam condensation, and CO2 addition from a magmatic source and possibly from de-carbonation of hydrothermal calcite favoured by the heating of the hydrothermal reservoir. These changes strongly suggest that the ongoing (since 2000) unrest is triggered by a degassing magma source, but also that the system’s response is modulated by dynamics and structures of the overlying hydrothermal envelope. This evolution clearly requires careful scientific scrutiny and intensified monitoring in the years to come. © 2022, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature
Montagna C.P., P. P., Longo A. (2022). Magma Chamber Dynamics at the Campi Flegrei Caldera, Italy. Active Volcanoes of the World, , 201–2017.
Abstract: The Campi Flegrei caldera volcanic system is certainly a remarkable case study of magma chamber dynamics. Its magmatic and volcanic history appears to have been largely driven by magma chamber processes like fractional crystallisation, magma mixing, and volatile degassing. These processes have been intensely investigated with a variety of approaches that are described in many chapters of this book, and more specifically, in Chaps. An Evolutionary Model for the Magmatic System of the Campi Flegrei Volcanic Field (Italy) Constrained by Petrochemical Data ; Rheological Properties of the Magmas Feeding the Campi Flegrei Caldera (Italy) and Their Influence on Mixing Processes. In this chapter, physical modelling and numerical simulations are employed in order to study the dynamics of magma convection and mixing in a vertically extended, geometrically complex, compositionally heterogeneous magmatic system representing a schematic simplification of an overall picture emerging from previous studies at Campi Flegrei caldera. Although clearly an idealisation, a number of first order characteristics of possible real magmatic systems at Campi Flegrei caldera are accounted for. They include the more chemically evolved, partially degassed nature of magmas emplaced at shallow depths, and the likely occurrence of multiple reservoirs with different depth, size and shape which can be connected at certain stages during system evolution. If that happens, deeper, CO2-rich magmas may rise and rejuvenate the shallow magmas. © 2022, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature.
Waheed Gbenga Akande, Q. G., David G. Cornwell, and Luca De Siena. (2021). Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Model and Caprock Deformation Explain the Onset of an Ongoing Seismo-Volcanic Unrest. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126(3), 1–26.
Abstract: Modeling seismicity at volcanoes remains challenging as the processes that control seismic energy release due to fluid transport, heat flow, and rock deformation are firmly coupled in complex geological media. Here, we couple fluid-flow and mechanical (deformation) simulators (TOUGHREACT–FLAC3D) to reproduce fluid-induced seismicity at Campi Flegrei caldera (southern Italy) in isothermal (HM) and nonisothermal (THM) conditions. The unique ability of the Campi Flegrei caprock to withstand stress induced by hot-water injections is included in the model parametrization. After pore pressure accumulation is guided by a combination of thermal and hydromechanical interactions, contrasting compressive and extensional forces act on the basal and top parts of the caprock, respectively. Then, pressure perturbation and caprock deformation induce fractures that allow hot fluids uprising to pressurize the overlying fault, driving it toward failure and triggering seismicity. Under similar mechanical boundary conditions, the induced thermal effects prompt seismic slip earlier but with higher seismic magnitudes when (1) thermal equilibrium is preserved and (2) the thermal contrast is enhanced due to increased fluid injection temperatures. The results indicate that numerical models of volcano seismicity must consider the influence of rock-sealing formations to obtain more robust, accurate, and realistic seismic predictions at volcanoes. The proposed models satisfactorily reproduce the magnitude–depth distribution of the swarm (October 5, 2019), preceding the two strongest earthquakes recorded in 35 years at the caldera (3.1 and 3.3—on December 6, 2019, and April 26, 2020, respectively) using hot-water injection from depth. © 2021. The Authors.
Keywords: Campi Flegrei caldera; caprock deformation; induced seismicity; thermo-hydro-mechanical modeling; volcano seismicity
Marta Corradino, F. P. a, Marco Sacchi, Giuseppe Solaro, Henrique Duarte, Luigi Ferranti, Ivana Zinno. (2021). Resurgent uplift at large calderas and relationship to caldera-forming faults and the magma reservoir: New insights from the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff caldera (Italy). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 41, 1–12.
Abstract: Resurgence uplift is the rising of the caldera floor, mainly due to pressure or volume changes in the magma reservoir. Identifying resurgence structures and understanding their relationship to the magmatic reservoir is challenging. We investigate the resurgence structures of the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff caldera (Italy) by integrating bathymetric data, high-resolution seismic profiles and Differential Synthetic-Aperture Radar Interferometry data. Our results show that the resurgent area is manifested as 1) a central dome constituted by two main blocks bounded by NNE-SSW trending faults, 2) an apical graben developed on top of the most uplifted block, 3) a peripheral zone including several uplifted and tilted blocks, bounded by inward-dipping faults. The onset of the uplift of the central dome occurred through re-activation, in reverse motion, of normal faults formed during the caldera collapse, and located in the peripheral zone. During periods of unrests, the blocks of the central dome move independently at different velocities, and the peripheral zone accommodates the deformation. The restless behaviour of the caldera is the result of a shallow magmatic reservoir located at 3.5 ± 0.7 km and characterised by a width that roughly corresponds to the extension of the overlaying resurgent area. Defining the caldera-forming fault system and identifying the area involved by the resurgence is crucial for estimating depth and width of the magma reservoir, and predicting the caldera behaviour during periods of unrest by localising possible vents and sectors that will deform. This knowledge contributes to the evaluation of the volcanic hazard. © 2021 Elsevier B.V.
Keywords: aldera; Campi Flegrei; Magmatic reservoir; Resurgence structures; Resurgent dome
Simona Tripaldi, L. T., Michele Lovallo. (2021). Spectral and informational analysis of temperature and chemical composition of solfatara fumaroles (Campi Flegrei, Italy). Entropy, 23(5), 1–14.
Abstract: Temperature and composition at fumaroles are controlled by several volcanic and exogenous processes that operate on various time‐space scales. Here, we analyze fluctuations of temperature and chemical composition recorded at fumarolic vents in Solfatara (Campi Flegrei caldera, Italy) from December 1997 to December 2015, in order to better understand source(s) and driving processes. Applying the singular spectral analysis, we found that the trends explain the great part of the variance of the geochemical series but not of the temperature series. On the other hand, a common source, also shared by other geo‐indicators (ground deformation, seismicity, hydrogeological and meteorological data), seems to be linked with the oscillatory structure of the investigated signals. The informational characteristics of temperature and geochemical compositions, analyzed by using the Fisher–Shannon method, appear to be a sort of fingerprint of the different periodic structure. In fact, the oscillatory components were characterized by a wide range of significant periodicities nearly equally powerful that show a higher degree of entropy, indicating that changes are influenced by overlapped processes occurring at different scales with a rather similar intensity. The present study represents an advancement in the understanding of the dominant driving mechanisms of volcanic signals at fumaroles that might be also valid for other volcanic areas. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
Keywords: Campi Flegrei caldera; Fisher–Shannon analysis; Fumaroles; Spectral analysis; Temperature and chemical composition